January 26, 2014

2013 Brayer and Bodkin

At long last, here are the scans of the 2013 Brayer and Bodkin. As with all scans, they don't really do justice to the fine letterpress printing of our members but it is still an opportunity to enjoy their creativity. (Click on the image to see it larger or to embiggen it, for The Simpsons fans.) Enjoy!

cover by Arie Koelewyn

Julie Larson

Dan Celani

Jim Horton

Joe Warren

Arie Koelewyn (recto)

Arie Koelewyn (verso)

Dan Celani

Joe Warren

Joe Warren

Rachel Beyer

Phil Huston

Phil Huston

January 6, 2014

Announcement and Pictures from Winter meeting


Dan Celani has taken over the management of the Michigan Letterpress Guild mailing list. If your mailing address has changed (or will change), please contact Dan at celani100(at)aol(dot)com. This information has also been added to the right sidebar so you don't have to go looking for this post in the future. Thanks, Dan, for taking over and thanks, Arie, for your previous service.


"souvenir" napkin printed by host Phil Huston

front of the Print Shop at Eaton Rapids Historical Society

enjoying the food and letterpress equipment

some items printed at the Eaton Rapid Historical Society Print Shop

vintage bowling score sheet form (take that, photopolymer!)

proof (?) print of above form

Stay tuned for the scans of the 2013 Brayer and Bodkin!